
Space Eats

DES203: Interactive Media Production | 2021

Lead Sound Designer | Co-Producer


‘SpaceEats’ is a wacky, action-packed 2D platformer, where the player must scale an enormous tower. The emphasis is on verticality, so you’ll have to jump, duck and dodge around enemy attacks!

In 'SpaceEats' an astronaut gets attacked by various alien species who ravage their ship and steal their precious food supply. The astronaut must chase after them by scaling and fighting back to reclaim their food supply before they die stranded in their own ship.

My role as Lead Sound Designer involved me composing original music for the game. This included music for the main menu, two songs for the main bulk of the gameplay and the final boss theme. I also created sound effects for various aspects of the game. The player jumping, boss getting hit and dying, enemies and hidden walls being destroyed.

I also assisted the main producers in producing. This required me to keep other team members on track and making sure meetings were being attended. I also created Gantt Charts to make sure we knew what still needed to be completed and estimated when it would be finished.


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